We are getting a lot of enquiries about the current review of the Fingal Development Plan, this is what we know:
The Fingal Development Plan sets out the vision for how Fingal should develop over the life of the Plan while ensuring compliance with national and regional policy. The Development Plan presents an opportunity for the general public to shape Fingal for the future and ‘have your say’ when it comes to important issues such as housing, economic development, community and heritage.
The Strategic Issues Paper, the first step in making the Plan, was placed on public display between the 12th of March and the 12th of May 2021. We received 551 submissions in total. A Chief Executive’s Pre-Draft Consultation Report has been prepared in response to the submissions received.
The next step involves the Elected Members considering the report within a period of up to 10 weeks (September 2021). Following this, the Members may issue direction to the Chief Executive, regarding the preparation of the Draft Development Plan, which shall then be prepared and submitted to the Members of the Planning Authority for their consideration (December 2021).

The Members are then required to consider the Chief Executive’s Draft Plan within 8 weeks of its submission to them and approve the Draft Plan to go out on public display (February 2022).
The Draft Fingal Development Plan will be on public display for a period of 10 weeks from February 2022 to May 2022.
The consultation phase for Fingal Development Plan 2023-2029 Stage 1 is now closed & is being debated & discussed by the Elected Members.
More information can be found here: https://www.fingal.ie/sites/default/files/2021-03/fingal-development-plan-stratetic-issues-final.pdf